Yaremenko O.B.

Summary. Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most frequent chronic diseases all over the world. Prevalence of cardiovascular disease in OA patients in different countries is significant. There are no studies on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in OA patients in Ukraine. Methods. The multicenter PARTNER study (Prevalence of cardiovascular risk in newly diagnosed primary osteoarthritis patients) was conducted in August 2019 — March 2020. We enrolled 4769 newly diagnosed OA patients. Results. Full data were collected from 3936 patients. Patients with newly diagnosed primary OA in Ukraine are much more likely to have cardiovascular pathology compared to data from other countries. A significant number of these patients (2946 — 75%) even without the calculation of SCORE should be classified as people with high or very high risk of cardiovascular complications, as they already have atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (55%), diabetes mellitus (21%), very high levels of blood pressure (15%) and / or cholesterol and chronic kidney disease (5%). According to the results of the SCORE calculation, we identified another 127 patients with very high cardiovascular risk. Total number of OA patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk reached 3073 (78%). These features must be considered when prescribing treatment to patients with OA. Discussion. To prevent NSAID-induced complications main strategy is using drugs with better safety profile. One of these drugs is amtolmetin guacyl. The characteristics of gastroprotection along with control of inflammation and platelet aggregation render amtolmetin guacyl recommendable in the treatment of OA patients with high gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risk especially when long-term therapy is required. Conclusions. PARTNER study results showed a high prevalence of cardiovascular pathology and a high risk of serious cardiovascular events in patients with newly diagnosed primary OA in Ukraine. This must be taken into account when choosing NSAIDs in such patients.

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