Protsenko G.O., Katolyk Y.A., Mokhnata N.G., Ivanchuk O.R.

Summary. Relevance. Gout is a major economic and social problem, as it leads to reduction and loss of work capacity due to disability, limitation of professional activity, and also increases comorbidity, thereby worsening the quality of life of patients. Any comorbidity increases 2–3 times in patients with gout compared to those without this pathology, as confirmed by the results of studies presented by the ACR in November 2020, which covered more than 300,000 people (among whom 48% were men, the average age was 57,1 years, 2,2% had gout) [1]. Purpose. The article describes a clinical case of the development of cardiovascular pathology against the background of chronic tophous arthritis, the results of the laboratory-instrumental examination and possible options for urate-lowering therapy for this patient are given. Research results. Gout in combination with cardiovascular pathology is much more difficult to correct with medication. In the case of elevated uric acid level in the early period of the disease, it is necessary to prescribe adequate doses of urate-lowering therapy with subsequent monitoring of uric acid level once a month. Conclusions. Tophaceous gout is a systemic process. Comorbid patients (gout + cardiovascular pathology + kidney damage) should be examined by a rheumatologist, cardiologist, and nephrologist once a year.

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