Effect of anti-inflammatory drugs on osteoarthritis in patients with low bone mineral density and features its course

Shuba N.M. , Humber T.S., Voronova T.D., Krylova A.S.

Summary. Osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis are one of the most common diseases among the elderly who become the cause of pain and disability and impair the quality of life of patients. The article presents the peculiarities of the course and clinical manifestations of OA of the knee joints and the spine and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in treating patients with OA with low bone mineral density. Taking into account the obtained data, we can conclude that the study of the characteristics of the flow of OA with low bone mineral density remains relevant to date and is the basis for developing a differentiated approach to the effective therapy of OA in patients with normal and low mineral density of bone tissue.

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