Golovach I.Yu., Chipko T.M. , Lazorenko O.O.

Summary. Background. Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an acquired autoimmune thrombophilia, which is characterized by the development of recurrent vascular thrombosis of any caliber and type or obstetric pathology and the mandatory detection of persistently positive antiphospholipid antibodies. Antiphospholipid syndrome is traditionally divided into primary and secondary. For the diagnosis of the disease, the international criteria of 2006 are used. APS can be diagnosed in the presence of one clinical and one laboratory sign. However, the classification criteria for APS are controversial with an increase in the number of patients with incomplete criteria or clinical manifestations that are not included in the classification criteria. The classification criteria for APS generate discussion, with a growing impression that certain patients not fulfilling these criteria might be inadequately excluded from the diagnosis. Me­thods. Based on the literature data, the article presents modern ideas about the identification of patient profiles that do not fully meet the international criteria for APS, but are characterized by a high risk of thrombosis. The article describes the characteristics of the four profiles of patients with «noncriteria APS» proposed by experts. These groups of patients are conventionally named «Seronegative APS», «Clinical noncriteria APS», «Incomplete laboratory APS» and «Laboratory noncriteria APS». Conclusions. This categorization could allow for a more homogeneous research approach to APS, enabling more sustained and universal conclusions.

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