Buryanov O.A., Kvasha V.P., Kotyuk V.V., Chekushyn D.A.

Summary. Relevance. Psoriatic arthritis is an independent nosological form of nonspecific inflammatory lesion of the locomotorand support system in psoriasis from the group of seronegative spondylitis, of multifactorial origin, hereditary predisposition with a chronic progressive recurrent course, which leads to long-term loss of working capacity and persistent disability of patients. The clinical pattern of PA, especially at its onset, has many similarities with other collagenoses, which creates considerable difficulties in diagnosis. Objective: to objectify the diagnosis of early stages in patients with psoriatic arthritis by standardizing thermographic and ultrasonographic tests and defining characteristic parameters. Materials and methods. In view of the lack of informative value of radiological examination at the initial stages of the disease, ultrasound and thermographic tests were used to objectify subclinical manifestations. Results and their discussion. At the beginning of the study, the average statistical sizes of the joint structures were determined in volunteers, which provided objectification of the study and determined the extent of their damage in patients with early stages of psoriatic arthritis. Conclusions. Measurement of the parameters by sonographic examination of the main joint structures under the normal conditions allows to objectify the control over the course of the pathological process, the treatment efficacy, and to establish clear indications for surgical treatment. Thermographic study, despite the absence of specific criteria, is one of additional studies in patients with psoriatic arthritis, especially in case of need to document the diagnosis at the pre-radiographic stage and in the subclinical course of the pathological process.

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