Syniachenko O.V.1, Gerasimenko A.M. 2, Sinyachenko P.O.2

Summary. Summary. Goal and objectives. Іnvestigate the content of microelements (ME) in the hair and the blood of the patients with microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), evaluate the clinical and pathogenetic significance of microelementosis and its connection with the level of ME in the environment (in the soil).
Material and methods. 47 MPA patients aged between 19 and 77 years old have been surveyed. The level of 23 ME in the hair and the blood serum has been analysed, the method of atomic-absorption spectrometry has been used («SolAAr-Mk2-MOZe» electrographite atomizer apparatus). The comparative evaluation of the ME levels in the patients’ organisms and the ME parameters (Ba, Be, Bi, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, Ti, the V, Zn) in the soil has been carried out.
Results. MPA is characterised by the evident microelementosis, which declares itself through the abnormal concentration of many toxic and essential ME in the hair and the blood, which is determined by the degree of activity and severity of the course of disease, changes in the heart and reduced renal function. ME have prognostic significance, influence the formation of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, participate in the pathogenetic construction of disorders in the nervous system, skeletal muscles and kidneys, here with the concentration of ME in the organism depends on the levels of ME in the soil in the patients’ regions of residence.
Conclusions. The nature of microelementosis with MPA has been defined, as well as its connection with the level of ME in the environment.

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