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CASE OF DIABETIC OSTEOARTHROPATHYVoloshyna L.O. 1, Pashkovska N.V.2, Zub L.O.2, Olinyk O.Yu.2
Summary. Summary. The article describes the actual observation of the case of diabetic osteoarthropathy (DOA) of the knee, ankle joints in the 29-year-old patient with severe diabetes mellitus, complicated by diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, angiopathy, anemia and information in the literature on this issue. The features of this case were familial predisposition to diabetes, burden impact of diabetic, vascular diseases, metabolic disorders on degenerative- dystrophic changes of the musculoskeletal system, the discrepancy mild pain syndrome and significant radiographic changes of affected bone structures and laboratory parameters of process activity on a background of constant mechanical provocative lesions of support joints. Late visit of the patient to rheumatologists and traumatologists because of mild severity of osteoarthropathy, despite the rapid aggressive progress of the joint damage, caused by diabetic neuropathy, angiopathy, nephropathy, anemia and partial loss of capacity due to diabetic cataract. No Comments » Add your |
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