environmental ecological factor dependence of rheumatoid arthritis prevalence

Syniachenko O.V.1, Petrenko O.A. 2, Naumenko N.V. , Gonchar G.A.2, Yakovlenko A.Yu. 2

Summary. Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in different regions depends on the intensity degree of environment (air, soil, water) contamination with xenobiotics, including large-scale enterprises of metallurgical, coal-mining, chemical and machine-building industries, production of building materials, transport and agriculture, and the integral epidemiological index of prevalence is determined by the total level of ammonia and phenol in the atmosphere, degree of drinking water mineralization and concentration of sulfates in it, level of such toxic microelements as barium, bismuth, tin, lithium and titanium, and also essential ones (manganese, zinc) in soil and ground waters.

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